How can I create Users and Groups for my Webspace?

How can I create Users and Groups for my Webspace?

How can I create Users and Groups for my Webspace? 

To create users and groups for your Webspace, go to your Webspace's settings (top right).

For Users:
Click on the Webspace for which you want to add users
Click on 'Add User(s)'
You enter the screen where you can add users
Click on Invite users
Enter the name and email address

For Groups:
Click on the Webspace for which you want to create groups
Click on 'Add User Group(s)'
Then click on 'Create a New Group'
Here you will see the screen where you can enter and add the name of your group.
To add users to the group, click on the group, then click show group members.
Then click on 'add users'

Please feel free to reach out if you need extra help; we would be happy to assist you.
Email us at, or feel free to submit a ticket.

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