Sharing a Webmix preview: Click the share button above the selected
Webmix. A prompt will appear with multiple sharing options - such as copying the direct link, an embed code, social sharing buttons, and more.
Using any of the options within the prompt allows you to share a Webmix preview link - where others can quickly view your resources, and offers them the option to follow and add a copy of your Webmix to their personal account.
Here's what a Webmix preview looks like below. You'll notice two buttons below the preview window for "Share Webmix" and a "Follow Webmix" in addition to related Webmix suggestions below the window. 2.
Publishing your Webmix to a Symbaloo Webspace. This method is for users with connected Webspaces.
Symbaloo Webspaces are an add-on to your general Symbaloo account - allowing you to share multiple Webmixes through a single custom URL (created upon signing up for a Webspace) that doesn't change (i.e. yourclassroom.symbaloo.com). While Webspaces are completely free to use, you can also pay for a Webspace subscription upgrade to remove all advertising from Symbaloo.