Can I add programs from my computer to my Symbaloo Webmix?

Can I add programs from my computer to my Symbaloo Webmix?

Unfortunately, that is not possible. The source has to be online and have a URL.

A Tile on Symbaloo is a bookmark for a link. It takes a URL from a website and saves it to Symbaloo. That way, you can access all of your websites from anywhere you have an internet connection. There is no way to access your computer's files from anywhere other than your computer (in an ideal world) unless you upload them to the internet. Because of this, you cannot link a document, spreadsheet, picture, etc., straight from your computer to your Symbaloo Webmix or upload any other program or software to your Symbaloo. You must upload it online via Google Drive, Vimeo, Flickr, etc. This will give you a link that you can link your tiles to.

Please feel free to reach out if you need extra help; we would be happy to assist you.
Email us at, or feel free to submit a ticket.

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